A downloadable game

Artist Manifesto: Cashew Quest Cashew Quest is an adventure game in which a troubled cashew farmer must search for the remainder of his crop while uncovering a mystery within his small town. The purpose is to explore the interactive story capabilities of Bitsy and push the medium to tell an interesting and engaging story. The game is kind of whimsical, not exactly funny, and it’s a mystery as well. I plan on having a strong narrative that surpasses the limited graphical capabilities of Bitsy and immerse the viewer in an entertaining story. I plan on doing this by using great dialogue, story structure, and comedic writing to make the story feel alive. Finally, I just want to make a fun project and explore what Bitsy can do. The various quirky characters you meet, such as big Wally or the duck, all allude to the bigger story. The dialogue definitely carries the game, but I wanted to make sure there was enough in the mechanics of searching and collecting cashews to keep the character enthralled. I added the key mechanic of Wally's basement for an extra layer of challenge as well as an extra addition to the story. Overall, I'm proud of the result.



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